Reset your mind
Power your future
What if you could finally take out all the layers you’ve been accumulating during your lives while trying to please others, be accepted, feel loved, suits to the society and so on… ? What if you could free your mind of all conditionned constructions, so many programs that not only dont serve you anymore but actually drain all your energy down make you feel depressed and out of purpose ?
What if you could have a magic wand…
Who would you be? Where would you be? How would your life look like?
Its time to take ownership of your life, reset the old and upload the upgraded version of yourself!

Personal Sphere
Find your Soul signature !
More infos >>

Relationship Sphere
Understand & manage your emotions !
More infos >>

Professional Sphere
Reinvent your life !
More infos >>

1 to 1 Session
whatsapp call or physical meetings
price and conditions upon request

price and conditions upon request

price and conditions upon request
Personal Sphere
Find your Soul Signature !
In the personal Sphere we will focus on your SS (Soul Signature) meaning your Identity versus the different Personalities you have built throught time. By clarifying who you are you will litteraly go through a second birth, change your energy, discover your purpose and finally be at one with your path.
Relationship Sphere
Understand and manage your emotions !
In a world where we’ve been asked to hide our emotions since childhood, a world where social media and apps have turned relationship into relationshop, it became hard not to get confused with our emotions. While learning to aknowledge your feelings you will get informations about your personal story that will help you to understand patterns and avoid repeating them. By opening yourself to wise compassion you will achieve a state of balance and learn how to manage your emotions and change your story.
Professionnal Sphere
Reinvent your life !
Change and impermanence are part of life that’s why we need to adapt and be flexible. More than often people don’t succeed not cause of their incompetence but cause they are lacking directions. In this uncertain time, clarification is a Must. While learning to set goals and have a plan we will get ride of the limiting beliefs that prevent you from reinventing your life so you can finally offer your gift to the world.