Who i am
are my core values and the essence of who I’m.
My (short) story:
Passionate about dance from a young age, I was lucky enough to be hosted by a my best friend in New York where I studied Dance professionally. While auditioning I sprained my ankle, but it was serendipity, as the doctor who treated me my ankle helped me get a job at Universal Music which changed the course of my life…
I soon realised my life is a wonderful reflection of synchronicities and meeting great people who have crossed my path.
My diverse entrepreneurial journey first began in the very male dominated international sales industry. Then my passion for Tea led to the creation of a Tea House. I use my creative skills to design unique pieces for Petit h Hermès, have organized few events during the Cannes Film Festival including the latest one with Mary J.Blige and act as the literary agent for esteemed NY Times best selling author of The Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield.
Throughout this professional journey, my intuition has continued to grow, it is a precious asset in my guidance which allows me to “read” and feel people vibratingly and often directs me to their wound (s) and blockage (s) which saves us a lot of time.
I’ve always choosed to nurtured the various calling of my soul which might be a bit disturbing in a world where you are asked to fit in a box but who cares this is who I am.
Going through a near death experience at a very young age has for sure propelled me into the depths of my soul where I’ve discovered an amazing endless force of life at the core of my being
Time & Patience
While operating in very different fields I’ve always knew that at some point I would have to come out of the closet and share my life mission but as we say: the teacher arrives when the student is ready. In a society where we are use to get things fast, shop and put in the trash almost at the very same minute, time and patience might sound like an “has been“ process whenever there is so much treasure hidden behind them…
I do believe there is a learning and healing process before you can actually be helpful and coherent with yourself and others.
That’s where I stand today.
What i do
If my path has been a spiritual one since a very young age, mainly leaded by my heart, inuition and channeling, advances in neurobiology have helped me understanding the process of those alternative mental states which lead to a heightned state of consciousness where you experience life as a Creator and are no longer controlled by the external environnement.
I’ve developped the SS Therapy (Soul Signature) to help you localize your authentic self while experiencing life through a higher consciousness state, a state where you become the architect of your Soul and not the slave of your mind. A state of focus, confidence, total trust and faith in your divine power and the support of the universe.

Sylvain Aubert
6 jan, 2021
Un immense soutien pendant une période particulièrement difficile…
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27 Jan, 2021
C’est une très bonne expérience qui débute. Laurence a une analyse…
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5 Fev, 2021
Laurence Marchese is one of the most talented people I have ever met…
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James Redfield
6 Fev, 2021
I first met Laurence in 2014 through a symposium on the Sacred Feminine…
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Art & Soul
I have always had a true love affair with Art. Art and emotion come together endlessly. Whether it is through movement, a canvas, a symphony, a poem, Art encountered in ecstasy one or all of our senses. Conversely, at the origin of the creation of any work there is an Emotion. This intimate relationship that binds and connect them fascinates me and I use it a lot in my work
I voluntarily chose to display on my site only pictures of friends, first of all because these pictures touch me particularly but also because I wanted this site to be intimate, authentic and human. May it be a circle of sharing, exchange and communion.
The photos of the 3 Spheres, the photo of the Moon in «Book me» and the one of « Community » were taken by my friend, the talented producer and photographer Jack Guy with whom I share, among other things, this Divine connection with nature.
The photo of « Follow» was taken by my friend and famous photographer, Steven Lyon whose shots I love. You might have also recognized the energy of Jimmy Jean Louis in this shot … intense!

This symbol was specially created for me (traditional calligraphy in black ink) by my friend, the artist and painter Franck Cazenave in November 2020.
It is both an invitation to meditation and movement through a timeless dance of the soul. This symbol reminds us that while duality is inevitable, it is not incompatible with softness. Evoking resilience, movement and elevation at the same time. Well rooted in the present, the branch of the past is lightened so as to draw the future of all possibilities, a future that rely us.
This “self-portrait“ also recalls my initials L + M… If I was a symbol I would undoubtedly be this imprint.
As co-creators we are responsible for the frequencies
we send back to the universe and therefore responsible for what the universe sends back to us …
I like to imagine this poetry from the hands of my friend & Artist Amine Saoudi
like a sacred dance between the visible and the invisible which are one.